Monday, April 22, 2013


Hi bloggers and beloved parents.., today i will continue my writing about 5 phases of human life. Apologize if my english is too poor and difficult to understand. Essentially all parents want their children to be a great kid, smart, noble character that make ​​his parents proud. But only few parents are willing to try to be consistent in educating their children to be valuable for themselves and the environment. 
The majority of parents are busy with work, busy making money, is busy building a self-image in the community, all done with the reason for the family. Indeed it is true, but not at the expense of something more important, namely dividing the time for family, giving advice to the kids and wife. They need not only material, but also need a touch of parental affection. And one form of affection that is giving a good counsels, motivation. 
Because they will face a lot of problems in his life that would have been more severe than ever parents are facing. Increasing age of the world, increasingly complex lives. But they are in demand to keep working, useful for others. Therefore continued my writing this time is :
3. Phase of Adult, opportunity to bear fruit, growing, making a masterpiece.
(30 to 50 years old) Remember that everything in the sky and earth is present as in creating. Not exist without creation, not present due to accidental.

We are given the opportunity and we have the opportunity to do good deeds as a token of our gratitude to the Creator, God. This sense we should also instill in our children. So that however the situation and the conditions they face in the future, they will still be able to have a lamp in their hearts. They are able to be happy even though many obstacles in their lives. 

And in essence, they will still be able to stand up to do good things. They realize that every opportunity that God gave the world over should be accounted for. If bad deeds are done, then the ugly result will be obtained. If the good deed done, the sweet fruit will be obtained. 

As parable, yell with kind words in places which can cause echo, the echo sound the words of the good. Cried out with profanity at places that may cause echo, the echo sound it also is a dirty word. 
4.  Phase of Old Age, (50 to 70 years old) opportunity for self-correction.

Youth committing ugly is ugly, but if bad things done by the old-age, it would be much worse. If someone knows that he will be held accountable, then he will prepare for it

Logically, the old-edge closer to death. if someone aware of it, then he will certainly try to make the rest of his life he fix bad attitudes. Because as I have written above, ugly voice, echoing ugly.

5.  Phase of Elderly, (70 years old and older) opportunity to get closer to god

God created us, then God took our lives. However there are some people in this world are given a long life, until somebody senile because it is too old. God is omnipotent.

In this decrepit age, we should be closer to god because logically we would die soon. Getting older do not greedy to the treasure.

People who are too in love with the property, fear of death. People are understated in the affairs of treasury, do not fear death. 

Thank you for visiting my page and I hope this writing provides benefits to all readers. May God always provide security, safety, smoothness and blessings .. aamiin...

References : Holly Book Al-qur an, Hadith Abu Daud, Hadith Ibnu Majah, Hadith Al-baihaqi, Hadith Muslim, Hadith Abu Nu'aim, Hadith Bukhori 

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